Friday, September 21, 2012

Perfect Pairings

Trying to decide what to read this weekend? Consider picking up a classic and pairing it with the perfect alcoholic beverage.

I absolutely adore flavorwire, who came up with 10 great books with accompanying drinks. Which will you choose?

Take a look at the options here.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Light Boxes

Many discovered this title through NPR. They listed it as one of the weird and wonderful books of 2010. Author, Shane Jones, creates a Fantasia-like universe and though it is absolutely bonkers, you'll quickly buy into it. 

"Light Boxes", is the story of a town that is perpetually plagued by February. The sun is becoming nothing more than a faint memory. 

As winter drags on, children begin to go missing and adults fall into depression. Sounds dismal, right? Well, it doesn't take long for them to rally and go to war against February.

The book is beautifully written. A perfect blend of fantasy and reality. A small book, but a fantastic adventure. Enjoy it over a cup of coffee on a snowy day this coming winter. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

"This is How You Lose Her"

This week I want to share a brand new book that just released today. For those unfamiliar with Junot Diaz, he also wrote, "The Brief and Wonderful Life of Oscar Wao". His second book was a collection of short stories called "Drown". Now he's back with his third book: "This is How You Lose Her". I have been waiting for this release all summer and am so eager to get home and start reading.

There is nothing I like more than a fantastic collection of short stories. Lately I have been too busy to start (and finish) a new book. I love being able to pick up a book of short stories, read a few, move on and pick it up again another day (or year).

A good volume of short stories will pack punch after punch. Diaz will do just that.

Today Flavorwire listed "The Cheaters Guide to Love", one of the short stories in this collection, as one of the Ten Greatest Short Stories About Love.

Read some of the reviews for this book on Amazon.

I was instantly caught by the quote at the beginning of the book. The quote is from Sandra Cisneros, author of "The House on Mango Street": 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Foxy Fitzgerald

Instead of blogging about a book today, I want to share with you the coolest new book-related thing I have acquired.

Sofie, whom I discovered on Etsy, partnered with me to create his amazing book fox! Her site, bonjour poulette, has created the cutest little animal characters. I loved the fox and requested one of her foxes with a book. 

She nailed it!!! I am so happy with my little fox. Someday, when my bookstore days are done, I will look at this precious fox and think about the many years in which my life revolved around selling books. 

But for now,  I just need a name. Any suggestions? 

.... the verdict is in. Foxy Fitzgerald it is! : )